词语吧>英语词典>high-yield bond翻译和用法

high-yield bond

英 [haɪ jiːld bɒnd]

美 [haɪ jiːld bɑːnd]

网络  高收益债券



  • a (speculative) bond with a credit rating of BB or lower
      Synonym:junk bond


    • For many investors, the focus of concern is the high-yield, or junk, bond market, where the riskiest borrowers come to raise funds.
    • High-yield bond and loan investors have shunned new debt sales so far this month, extending a buyers 'strike for risky assets into the traditionally busy first week of September as concerns linger over the shaky state of the credit markets.
    • In Europe, high-yield and bank lending the more traditional arenas are critical, with many bankers and analysts showing signs of frustration that policymakers have not sought to address the problems of the dormant junk bond market.
    • Clients have reacted accordingly: EPFR Global says that$ 14.9 billion was withdrawn from high-yield bond funds in the third quarter.
    • Garth Noonan, managing director in high-yield capital markets at Merrill Lynch said that while high-yield bond and loan supply was strong, it would not be enough to sate demand.
    • Sensing the pressure and as a result of tightening bonds spreads some high-yield bond funds in Hong Kong have hard-wired in a provision to maintain dividends by paying investors out of capital rather than from the income received from the underlying bonds.
    • Third, the European high-yield bond market remains in a near coma.
    • This all suggests that it will only be when there are clear signs of revival in the US securitisation markets and the European high-yield bond market that it will be possible to say with confidence that the financial crisis is nearing its end.
    • The factors influencing the credit risk of corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and high-yield bonds include macro factors, regional factors, bond factors, financial factors and other factors.
    • The general theme in credit so far in2011 has been the strong performance in high-yield corporate bond issues, relative to investment grade issues.